
Bidding Closed

Prebid Date 1/17/25 8:00am
Bid Date 2/5/25 2:30pm

Company & Contacts

Jack R Kinkel & Son Architects


2319 Stringtown Rd. Evansville, Indiana.

Notice is hereby given that the Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation “EVSC” by and through its Board of School Trustees will receive sealed proposals until 2:30 p.m., local time, on Wednesday, February 5, 2025 and not thereafter, in the Office of School Facilities, Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation, 951 Walnut Street, Evansville, Indiana 47713.

Opening will be open to the public. Said sealed proposals shall be for the furnishing of all materials and the performance of all labor according to the drawings and specifications prepared by Jack R. Kinkel & Son Architects, PC Architect/Engineer, FOR THE ACADEMY FOR INNOVATIVE STUDIES ROOFING PROJECT 2025 located at 2319 Stringtown Rd. Evansville, Indiana.

A mandatory pre-bid meeting is scheduled on January 17, 2025 at 8:00 a.m. on site.

Copies of the specifications, drawings, and proposal form will be furnished to reliable contractors applying at the office of MACO-Evansville Blue, 600 Court St, Evansville, Indiana 47708 (812) 464-8108. A non-refundable check or money order in the amount of Fifty-Five Dollars $55.00 for printed sets or Twenty-Five Dollars $25.00 for a digital download. Checks shall be made payable to MACO-Evansville Blue is required for each set of bidding documents. It is mandatory that each prime contract bidder shall obtain one (1) complete set of bidding documents.