City of Dawson Springs West Ramsey Street & Railroad Avenue Storm Sewer Replacement
Bidding Closed
Bid Date | 12/27/24 10:00am |
The City of Dawson Springs is soliciting bids for the replacement and restoration of sections of existing storm sewer located on West Ramsey Street and Railroad Avenue.
The project will consist of subsurface drainage installation, removal of existing pavements, storm sewer pipe, and drainage structures, sidewalk construction, curb & gutter construction, and roadway paving.
All bids shall be submitted no later than 10:00 a.m. local time Friday, December 27th, 2024. Bids shall be in a sealed envelope clearly marked: “Dawson Springs West Ramsey Street & Railroad Avenue Storm Sewer Replacement” in the bottom left corner of the envelope and delivered to:
Julie Sellers, City Administrator
City of Dawson Springs
200 W Arcadia Ave
Dawson Springs, KY 42408